President Donald J. Trump and Franchising
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
This week on Franchise Today we break with our usual format and feature not one, but 25 voices… all, franchise movers and shakers. Each will share their thoughts and perceptions about the impact of President Trump’sdecisive win on franchising.
No personal feelings or biases were accepted. The Question to these franchise pros: “What have you observed already andwhat do you see ahead, with Donald Trump in the White House.
Mike Kelly, Senior Director, AtmosphereTV David Owassi, Founder CEO Outreach Dave McDougal, VP We Sell Restaurants David Rawnsley, President, RobeksJuice Steve Greenbaum, IFA Legend Monica Feid, PR Pro Erik Van Horn, Franchise Advisor, Entrepreneur,Podcaster Dawn Abbamondi, CMO, SMB FranchiseAdvisors Erin Fletter, Founder, CEO, Food GeekEmerging Franchisor, Sticky Fingers Cooking School Katrina Mitchell, Chief Matchmaker, FranchiseSpeakers Ford Saeks, “Featured Speaker,” FranchiseSpeakers. Matt Haller, IFA, President, CEO The episode drops at noon EDT on Wed. 3/12/25 at www.franchisetodaypodcast.com , or wherever you chase podcasts.
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